Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Village Hopping

Once again we had a fantastic weekend. This past Saturday was a beautiful day so we decided to get out of Nice and explore a couple more of the perched villages. First stop- Luceram! 

Luceram was by far the most beautiful perched village we have visited as well as the most alive and "lived-in" village we have visited. We were both amazed by how active it was- there were 2 restaurants, a post office, a library, and 2 churches that are actually still used as a church. It was great to see. Luceram is well know for it's Christmas decorating and during the holidays everyone in the village hangs pine branches and ribbons around their doors. Some even put nativity scenes outside. For us, it was just the perfect place to walk around and explore. You never know where a little medieval alley is going to take you or where you are going to end up when you walk around in these villages.

When we finished up at Luceram, John remembered that there is another village that is pretty close so we figured... why not? One quick destination change in the GPS and off we went, up one of the curviest, twistiest roads I have ever been on but it had some of the most amazing views! By the time we reached our destination, Peira Cava, I had already decided that what I had seen from the car had made the trip more than worth it. And then we got out of the car. Breathtaking. John and I have seen some beautiful things since moving here, but the snow capped peaks in the distance with the lush green of spring surrounding us really blew us away. Even Sadie was a little breathless... but that could be because she was tired..The trip back down the mountain was a bit "breathtaking" too. We found ourselves on the receiving end of a rally car race! I am quite sure that upon arrival at the finish line all of the drivers hopped out of their cars and said,"Did you see the crazy vw polo coming down the road while we were coming up!?!?! geezzzzz"

Sunday did not live up to our expectations weather wise- rain, incredible winds, just generally nasty but we made the best of it. Church in the morning, reading in the afternoon, and a trip to the parking garage with Sadie and her tennis ball. 

More pics of our trip are here.

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