
Hi! And, welcome to OMW! 
I'm Stacey and this is John, my wonderful husband, sous chef, and favorite travel partner.

I started OMW about 2 years ago, not long after the hubs (as he is often referred) and I moved to Nice, France. We loved our city and the riviera, spent a lot of time traveling in Europe, and took a lot of pictures along the way. The problem was, no one knew the stories behind our pictures. So, enter the blog. My original idea was to share our hotels, our iteraries, and all of our favorite stories from everywhere we went. Slowly, other things began to creep into the blog-such as our love for food and my love for cooking. It has truly been an adventure cooking in France and we will continue to explore as much as we possibly can no matter where we go. 

10 countries, 2 years, and well over 5000 pictures later, we are headed back to the States. It has been an amazing journey and we look forward to seeing where we go next! I promise, the blog will continue to have plenty of food, plenty of traveling, and lots of photos. Its what we do! 

And, an exciting announcement will be coming in the next few months! Something to do with dough......