Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blogger's Block

I have had a bad case of "blogger's block" this week for some reason. I have tried for the past 2 days to write about our Easter weekend and every time I try.... a block ... Ah well, let's hope it is over now! 

John, Sadie and I did have a wonderful weekend. Easter, while not so beautiful weather-wise, was just a great day. We went to the Anglican church in Nice for services and it was packed. On a normal Sunday there are about 100 people, for Easter there were at least 200. It was so nice to see so many people there, especially here in France where so few people go to church even for Easter and Christmas. (I know! I don't live in the Bible Belt anymore. It still feels weird.) That afternoon we made a fantastic Easter meal- Steaks, oven roasted herbed potatoes, sauteed zucchini, and the best part, of course, dessert. Dessert was a yummy parfait of strawberries, dark chocolate whipped cream, blueberries, and white chocolate whipped cream on top. It left John and I wanting we had some more.. dipping strawberries in the whipped cream... yummmmm. After dinner we took Sadie on a walk and ended up playing with her in a near-by office park. She had a blast because there are so few places for dogs to just run free here unless you have your own garden.

Monday was another great day. (Aren't all Mondays that you don't have to work?) We headed off to Cap Ferrat which is just to the east of Nice. It is a beautiful little peninsula with a great promenade going right along the coast. I was hoping for more of a "trail" but a nicely paved walk is ok when the scenery is this beautiful. We walked for about an hour one way and then decided that we would never make it all the way around in the time that we had so we decided to come back another day. 

Today, I will share the recipe for the magnificent dessert we had on Easter. I promise, magnificent is not too strong of a word.. Rich homemade whipped cream with fresh strawberries and blueberries?? What could be better? 

Berry Parfaits
You will need:
3 oz of high quality White Chocolate
3 oz of high quality Dark Chocolate 
About 3 cups of Whipping Cream (I did not say that this was a healthy recipe. Just keep telling yourself- I am eating this with fruit. I am eating this with fruit.)
Strawberries, sliced

- Chop the White Chocolate, put in microwave safe bowl,  add about 1/4 cup whipping cream. Microwave on reduced power in 10 second intervals until chocolate is melted. 

- Add melted chocolate and whipping cream to a large mixing bowl with about 1 1/4 cup more whipping cream. Beat with a mixer at medium speed until soft peaks form. 

- Repeat process above for dark chocolate whipped cream. Only difference- add about 1 tbls sugar to knock the bite out of the dark chocolate

- Let both whipped creams rest in the 'fridge for about 15-20 minutes before making the parfaits.

- Pick your fav. parfait glasses, layering strawberries, whipped cream, blueberries, and top with whipped cream. 

It's good... I promise... really really good..

Recipe adapted from Ezra Pound Cake.

More of our weekend are here.

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