Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Last Day of X-mas in July!

Last stop on the Christmas in July roadtrip is  Switzerland! This is on the way to Interlaken, which was our home base.

Don't stay there. It's not so cute and sooooo stinkin expensive. Fondue is around $100 for two- and that's just bread and cheese. BUT they have a Hooter's. Poor girls- it was snowing out and absolutely freezing and they still had on those crazy "uniforms". 

Anyways, the views from the villages are much better. And the food probably is too.

 When we got into town, it was snowing... so if you see little white patches in the photos it's not the photographer. Promise.

Waiting on the train. Even if we didn't want to stay in Interlaken, our B&B was great and really helped us get an idea of what we wanted to do. (Hotel Rugenpark) They talked us through several different options for our visit and we landed on a hike. Since dogs can go anywhere in Europe, Sadie hopped on the train with us and off we went! And, I am pretty sure she got a few pictures taken while on the train. Tourists ;)

The village of Lauterbrunnen is the first village in the mountains and where I really WANTED to stay but the holidays made things just a little crowded. Sadly, the b&b I wanted had a view of this waterfall. *sigh. Break my heart. All of the white at the base of the falls is not water- it's ice. Glimmering, super thick ice. 

Waiting for the tram!

So.. where we started hiking. Grutschalp- 1489m. And, we went to Murren. The trail is on the opposite ridge from Jungfrau, one of the highest peaks of the Bernese Alps. We hiked on the opposite ridge because to actually reach the summit of Jungfrau would cost over $200 per person. HA! That is more than our hotel cost for 2 nights. 

Cheap travelers.

5,361 Feet.

 Now, that's a hill. Jungfrau. 13,642 feet. 

There is a glacier on the opposite side of Jungfrau that we wanted to visit. Next time!! 

If you would like to see the rest of the pictures from the trip- the facebook album has plenty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh that waterfall!!!