Sunday, May 22, 2011

Working on Commision

I made a deal with my dad a little while ago: if I can sell their house- I might get something out of it. Steak dinner? Million dollars? Snickers bar? I guess we will find out!

Mom and Dad are looking to downsize and get a little closer to the rest of the family. If you happen to be looking for a lovely, lake front home in TN- I've got the place for you! (Do I sound like a car salesman yet? I don't think I got my Dad's salesman gene. No ice to the Eskimos from me..) Anyways, in case you are interested, here is the link to their virtual tour. I wish I could change that awful music for you but it is out of my control. Buy the house and we will all be free of the Muzak.

And Dad, if it sells because of this, it will be your birthday present for LIFE from me. 

Just kidding.. I might get you a tie every other year.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Guys, I promise, I took these pictures on Wednesday. I had this blog sort of written.... and then... I got my butt kicked. The hubs and I started P90X this week and Oh. My. Word. It is kicking my butt. I have been in bed by 9:30 every night this week, completely passed out and that darn ab ripper x makes me feel like a rubber band; complete jello. 

Enough of my belly aching. It's good for me to me worn out and jello-y. On to the real, serious matter: Decorating. 

This is our wedding present from John's parents. When you move out of the country for 2 years it tends to delay delivery of large, antique radios. After a couple of good washings with Murphy's Oil soap and a good coat of Old English scratch coat- it's shiny and beautiful again! 

And, the deal of the month- 

Groupon Deal! The only one I have bought- Canvas on Demand! Amazing service too! I picked this picture out for a 16x20 inch canvas. (Purchased for $35) The next day they sent me an email saying that my picture would be better suited to a 16x24 inch canvas and they would make this change with no extra cost! What company does this?? So nice. And, delivery in 2 days.

Today my area rug comes in! Pictures to come!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Headboard Experiment

When we bought our $40 headboard from craiglist I knew I would paint it. While I like the antique-look, it was a little too rustic for me. And, ever since I had heard about the "hammered" spray paint I had wanted to try it out.

I thought it would be painted as soon as we bought it but the weather had other ideas and since we don't have many places to store large objects in our apartment- it went on the bed. Fast forward about a month and it was finally 55 degrees consistently. I (make that WE) got the headboard outside as quickly as possible. I donned my fume mask and went to work. 

5 cans of paint, 3 days of work, and two mashed fingers later- It's done!

The Before:

The After:

Monday, May 9, 2011

Update Monday: The New Place

Ok! I am finally at a point where I can share photos of the new place. All the furniture is in.. unless we add another bookshelf or something later. So, for the most part everything is settled. Yeh!

We have exactly one picture on the wall so don't judge. The walls are currently a reflection of the people who live here- pale, pasty, and lacking in coloration. As we gain on that, hopefully they will too.

View from the front door. And, no, we don't have a tv. Netflix and Hulu are our friends.

Looking straight back from the front door. Sadie's bed and blanket. I'm thinking I might should get something a little less... conspicuous. What do you think?

I love the kitchen! It's so big! And NEW! And BIG! 

Another view. I made the curtain. It was a small victory for my craftiness.

Our pantry. The kitchen didn't have one, and we didn't want to take up cabinet space for food- so Criagslist came through! Antique chifferobe converted!

Inside. And, I promise we feed the dog.. She is just a bottomless pit.

Itty bitty bathroom. Barely big enough for one, much less the 3 that crowd in here on Saturday and Sunday. But, the shower is LOVELY!

Headboard, chest, and nightstand were all found on craigslist. Woot. And, the headboard will be painted once it is over 55 for more than a day. Maybe by July? 

No bedskirt.. yet. 

Waterfall design...very common ... but we love it. 

This thing is the longest story of any piece of furniture we own.
Short version: It did have doors. John tried really hard to fix them. It didn't work. I made a curtain. Tada!

Table and chairs! That I love! And can fit 4 people! I haven't had one of these in over 2 years!! 
It's the small things in life... 

And, the only peice of furniture that we spent any real money on-
Zoe. The sofa. She is so lovely. and soft. And I feel like a little kid when I sit on her because my feet don't touch. John is in love. It's a couch that fits him.

That's it for now! I'll take more pictures as more is finished! We still need some rugs, and a lot of framing...

Sunday, May 8, 2011


 She's the reason I cook,

 (I even wrote a book about it!)

why I love to give gifts and see people light up,

why I enjoy the occasional Margarita, 
(Yes, that's me, Jack, and Mom)

She's the reason I'm a little OCD about cleaning and so many other little things... 

So Mom, I hope you have a wonderful day. Without you I wouldn't be me. 


and, everyone else, you should probably call your mom now. Or, give her a hug if you are with her!

Friday, May 6, 2011

And now, for the big story this evening...


This fall I will be going to school and I get to wear a chef coat, hat, and fun black and white checked pants! Woot!

And, now, I must go bake a celebration cake.... or some cookies... or maybe some ice cream..

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I thought I should show you the progress my little plants are making. Thus far this is my most successful year of growing things and I am taking it as quite the victory considering the crazy cold weather we have been having. Let's just hope it continues. 

The cilantro, basil, poppies, chives, and snap dragons are all coming up! I think I may have lost a couple of the others... We'll find out! 

My scarecrow. Terrifying, right?