I love Spring in the south of France. It is my favorite season here by far, but only because we don't actually have my REAL favorite season here- Fall. It is just so lush and green and BRIGHT here in the Spring time. Just the right temperature, the Sea is super blue, and you can still sit out and get a sunburn. (Which I did last week and I wasn't even upset about it. Actually kind of made my day.) Since it has started to warm up John and I are trying to make an effort and do things on the weekend. Winter makes it so easy to just be lazy- it's cold, it's grey, and nothing is open on Sundays to do anything inside. To begin the season, this weekend we went to the near-by perched village of Peillon. There are tons of these medieval villages around Nice, perched on the top of a hill, safe from all danger and usually made complete with a magnificent view.This particular village was just beautiful and very alive. Many of the villages around feel as though they are on the brink.. everyone is very old, nothing is happening- they just feel dead. Peillon was full of children playing, cats, and young families. It made for a great afternoon.

Can you imagine waking up to this view every morning? I know that I would love to!

I am in love with this tree. I think it is just perfect.

We had such a wonderful afternoon here in this little village, so much like all of the rest yet it had it very own little quirks and charm. Happy Tuesday everyone!
These are some of my favorites from the day. Hope you enjoyed them, and if you want to see anymore, just click here!
ps- I had some trouble with my formatting so just ignore the other post with this title.... It won't let me delete without deleting photos, etc...